The deadline for county competitions for the upcoming 2021 season has now closed. If you are unsure if you have entered please contact Giles Brisbourne (Men) or Julie Skelly (Ladies). For all that have entered we wish you the very best of luck for a successful year
Entries for the National Competitions run by Bowls England are still open until Monday 1st March 2021. Should these not go ahead due to COVID-19 a full refund will be offered.
NB: If you entered competitions last year that didn't take place, check the entry lists in the competitions portal on Bowls England's website (link at bottom of page) to check if your entry has been carried forward.
At present, due to the impact of COVID-19 and the current Government guidance, the clubhouse remains closed. As soon as the restrictions are eased to an appropriate level the club will review what social events are possible in the future. In the meantime remember: "Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives"
Even through these difficult times our green maintainance team have soldiered on and have been carefully tendering their loving care to our bowls green. Should we be back playing outdoors in the coming months, please show the team your thanks and appreciation for all their efforts